Miss Penny D

Miss Penny D

Sunday 13 November 2011

Wild Thing

Wildflower, is what she is to me
A beautiful thing, growing strong and eternally free...

The seed that is her,
her very beginning,
with sunlight and libation she pierces the earth...
Breathing in the first light,
her petals will unfold
In the sun, the warmth, they delight

Such a splendid sight,
the growth that is her
Though difficult to read,
warm, kind is her nature...

She will, but briefly, be here
and like us all, she will pass
Yet, I hope she stays with me,
forever in my heart...
As a memory, I shall cherish her,
she shall not fade from my view...
In me, I hope, she can see some beauty, for I possess it too...

I will not limit her stay here, by adding her to my bouquet
A thing so beautiful should not be stolen
Admired, adored, yes,
only with her permission, beholden

The energy that is her, deserves to go on,
to roam this earth, this place,
on us all she has shone

I thank her for being,
she has afforded me sight,
I see more than what was,
I now see the light...

She is what I had needed,
for such a long time...
The years that dragged on in existence,
they were not mine
So, destiny stepped in, changing my life and my time,
so that I'm here, I would meet her,
our lives would entwine
I would be inspired by her words and actions,
they are similar to mine...

She is a wildflower,
most beautiful of all
Well, I think so anyway,
in love with her I shall fall...

Forever, I shall want and admire her,
even when her petals, with time, they wither
I shall rejoice in my knowing her
I shall not forget her beauty...
The essence that is her,
it has encouraged my heart to stir
Because of her being, again I am thinking, creating, expressing,
I am being...

Thank you, Wild Thing...
For me, you are life's treasure...

By Ngaire Curtin

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